
Showing posts from April, 2020

Live on Forever

A thought came to me, rather a lesson I was taught several years ago, at a Zone Conference in Bulgaria, while serving a mission.  It was a simple yet profound lesson that has been applied in many different aspects of my life. With it being Passover Wednesday and a few days before Easter, I wanted to share this profound lesson.  It is comprised of one single word, possibly the most important word in the English or any other language, REMEMBER. With Easter we are celebrating the Atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Throughout the scriptures we are counseled to "Always remember Him."  The word remember is used over 140 times throughout the Bible and over 220 times including each tense in the Book of Mormon.  The best way to pay homage to a loved one or a hero, is to remember them.  By keeping their memory alive, is a constant reminder of the type of person they are or the life they live/lived.  We can always remember their sacrifices and exampl...

It's My Life

"Learn to love the life you have, while creating the life of your dreams."  I don't know who originally said this, but it fits perfectly with the world we all live in, and the battles we all (I) face every day. We all face different demons, some of us battle unemployment or underemployment, some battle disease and illness; some are fighting mental demons or PTSD, or right now we are all battling an ever changing world that is forcing change upon us.  I have often written about finding satisfaction with our here and now, while keeping hope for tomorrow in front of us and always adapting and changing to what tomorrow may look like.  I'm not going to lie for a second and say I'm good at this, or even that I understand it fully.  I do understand and and know that it's easier said than done, and facing each and every moment can be seemingly impossible, and too painful to endure.  But as soon as the moment passes, and yes it is but a moment, we can look back on t...