
Showing posts from May, 2020


With Memorial Day coming up and with the end of the school year, I wanted to share an article that I was asked to write for an organization that I have recently become aware of and affiliated with.  It is called VetCave.  Check them out on facebook or even google them.  I don't know if it will ever be published, but I was excited to be asked to submit a piece for their cause. The article: Remember   Everyone on the Earth, throughout every generation of time, has been influenced by someone.   The results may have been positive or negative, the fact is, an impact was made.   What about the good influences?   Whether it was a family member or an athlete, a historical figure or even a TV or movie star.   I dare go as far as the character portrayed, may have left an impression.   I dare say the individual or character that somehow deep inside of us all, can’t be with us every single second of the day.   It may be a case where there was ne...