Never Ending Stack of Bills
So to start, I have successfully deleted this post by accident twice now, and an starting a third attempt. Instead of so much back story I will get to my point this time around. There are so many, choices and situations throughout my life that a person would call coincidence, but I have no doubt our loving Father in Heaven has been laid out these opportunities to prepare me for each adventure along the way. One such blessed adventure is the Military. From the time I was young I always knew I wanted to serve our country. I cherish my time served in the Army. It blessed and prepared me for many of the roads I now face each day. From a determination to face each day, gained from the Soldier's Creed: To the gift of a Battle Buddy. He has been a brother and friend from Iraq to now. One of the greatest unseen blessings of my military service, is the medical benefits I have received from the VA. 100% of all my medical expenses have ...