Marathon Man

The Army is one of the greatest blessings in my life.  I cherish and miss my time served every day of my life.  In many ways the Military was preparation for this new adventure.  We were trained to accomplish the mission at all cost, and to place the lives of our subordinates above our own.  The Army laid out it’s seven values, which coincide perfectly with the higher values I was raised with.  The Army Values are:

These have easily adapted to mean different or rather more in my personal and professional life.
Personal Courage for instance is a constant, relentless driving force to get up and face another day.  I have mentioned many times just how much I now love my morning routine.  What was my favorite time of the day, is now dreaded from the time I lay down at night, and gets worse as morning approaches.  A part of me wants nothing more than to lay there and avoid the inevitable at all costs, even questioning is it worth the fight, “I’m just going to get beat up again anyway.”
But thinking back to every Monday, Wednesday, Friday in the Army.  These were run days.  I absolutely hate running.  It took every ounce of courage to show up at formation, it was guaranteed that I would be leaving DNA splattered all along the road, somewhere along the run.
I can’t explain how much I detest running, but it had to be done, I would look to the end, not of the run, rather the end of the next Army Physical Fitness Test, as I passed and was still on track for a promotion, and realized that I was healthier and happier than ever.

Every morning it takes this same internal battle and instilled courage to face each day.  I have to look to the future, and identify the small victories, and tender mercies along the way.  We all must face our demons and fears, maybe not everyday, but we will face them.  It may not be in the face of life or death danger.  It may like mine, facing every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, knowing that DNA (or sweat and pain), will be splattered and pain endured.  Or just the courage to rise out of bed and face another day of unknowns, and unknown expectations.

- Nate Taylor


  1. I like dory's approach to it as well"just keep swimming just keep swimming what do we do we swim swim swim. I find myself using the same model to push the boundaries everyday

  2. You’re so inspiring. I know I would just want to give up.


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