Brand New Day

March is a beautiful month, it is the beginning of a new season, it introduces new life and beautiful changes to this dreary world.  Like everything, we are able to experience change as well, or a re-dedication to short comings we all face.

I am again witness to countless miracles and blessings.  My son chose to be baptized and asked me to perform the ordinance.  Of course I said yes, I was honored.  However deep down I was terrified.  My body is far from cooperating, my ability to walk or even balance is severely compromised and my shoulder continues to cause me all sorts of grief.  My ability to perform this wonderful event was zero percent to do on my own.  Worse a week before the baptism I found myself back in the emergency room, my shoulder again decided to try and slide out of joint; which made it impossible to touch my nose, let alone raise my arm to a square.  My body is all wired together.  If I stub my toe my shoulder and arm have a melt down.  If my shoulder is in pain my leg and foot do an impressive dance all on their own.

I was blessed to be able to have my dad in the font with me to assist me with balancing, my only stress would be my shoulder.  The day before the baptism, after a week out of joint, decided to pop back into place.  That was a pain and sound that I won't soon forget.  But as fast as the pain came, it was gone.  More importantly, after my whole world was rocked when my shoulder popped back into place, all of the sudden I was again able to lift my arm above my head again.  I was able to perform the ordinance and to take part in the sacred spirit that was present. 

It came as a great awakening and reminder of how blessed I am.  I was again reminded of how our prayers are truly heard and answered.  Never in our time frame, but in God's time.  This was also a reminder of how blessings and miracles will only come after the trial of our faith.  An awakening was much needed.  I had grown complacent, I was in so much pain, both physically and mentally, I had again become blinded to the small miracles of every day, and all the tender mercies all around me. 

The few posts I make this month I want to focus on new beginnings and to new lives.  We all fall short at different times.  The real question, and real test, how fast and how many times do we get back up, and how much are we willing to fight for that new destination.

-Nate Taylor 


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