It's Been a Long Month of a Day

This has been a different beginning to the new season than expected.  Instead of baseball and sunshine, we get virus and earthquakes.  The road through March was a very short road.  "Stay Home, Stay Safe."  There wasn't much adventure to experience as far as interactions with others.  It was a great adventure to self reflect and build relationships with families and neighbors. 

So many people have constantly complained about being "trapped," or "house arrest," "quarantine."  A simple change in words, changes the entire experience.  "Stay Home and Stay Safe," is a great outlook, this isn't house arrest, this is an opportunity to keep ourselves and our family safe from many dangers.  More importantly and quite possibly the greatest blessing I have been able to identify, the world has been forced to SLOW DOWN.  Instead of the constant hustle and bustle, trying to get to every activity or event.  The world said, "Get a clue!"  It forced us to stay home with our families and actually pay attention to each other. 
I collect board games, and I have loved being able to sit down and revisit some of my favorites with my kids.  I read an article this past week which supported my experiences.  What is the majority of sales the past week, now that the toilet paper disaster of 2020 is slowing?  It is family board games and puzzles. 

A simple change of wording has turned a very scary and stressful experience, into an uplifting, bonding and growing experience.  With new beginnings comes new mindsets and priorities.  We all have been forced to make changes and to remove ourselves.  Take this as an opportunity to "isolate" from old environments and find new. 

Yes, there are countless trials we face in the world today, but remember; "Storms make trees take deeper root." - Dolly Parton

-Nate Taylor


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