
It's the Circle of Life - No not really, Ciracle of Miracles Maybe!

It's way past update time, and time to get back to writing. Life has a tendency of changing just as fast as the clock ticks by.  A person can go from the lowest of lows to the highest high in the same breath. To start with a low...  I am still attending physical therapy and am still SLOWLY progressing, but because I am dealing with the government they don't care or feel it necessary to look at the bigger picture.  We submitted my request for an updated authorization to be able to continue therapy, just like we had done for a year.  However the outcome was much different than expected.  Instead of a new authorization number, we were met with a letter of denial.  "Our board of professionals has determined that Mr. Taylor will not progress any further, therefore continued authorizations will be denied." Are you serious!?!?  The doctors at the hospital told me that I may begin to see results at the one - two year point, not reach my limit, prior to my one ...


With Memorial Day coming up and with the end of the school year, I wanted to share an article that I was asked to write for an organization that I have recently become aware of and affiliated with.  It is called VetCave.  Check them out on facebook or even google them.  I don't know if it will ever be published, but I was excited to be asked to submit a piece for their cause. The article: Remember   Everyone on the Earth, throughout every generation of time, has been influenced by someone.   The results may have been positive or negative, the fact is, an impact was made.   What about the good influences?   Whether it was a family member or an athlete, a historical figure or even a TV or movie star.   I dare go as far as the character portrayed, may have left an impression.   I dare say the individual or character that somehow deep inside of us all, can’t be with us every single second of the day.   It may be a case where there was ne...

Live on Forever

A thought came to me, rather a lesson I was taught several years ago, at a Zone Conference in Bulgaria, while serving a mission.  It was a simple yet profound lesson that has been applied in many different aspects of my life. With it being Passover Wednesday and a few days before Easter, I wanted to share this profound lesson.  It is comprised of one single word, possibly the most important word in the English or any other language, REMEMBER. With Easter we are celebrating the Atonement and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Throughout the scriptures we are counseled to "Always remember Him."  The word remember is used over 140 times throughout the Bible and over 220 times including each tense in the Book of Mormon.  The best way to pay homage to a loved one or a hero, is to remember them.  By keeping their memory alive, is a constant reminder of the type of person they are or the life they live/lived.  We can always remember their sacrifices and exampl...

It's My Life

"Learn to love the life you have, while creating the life of your dreams."  I don't know who originally said this, but it fits perfectly with the world we all live in, and the battles we all (I) face every day. We all face different demons, some of us battle unemployment or underemployment, some battle disease and illness; some are fighting mental demons or PTSD, or right now we are all battling an ever changing world that is forcing change upon us.  I have often written about finding satisfaction with our here and now, while keeping hope for tomorrow in front of us and always adapting and changing to what tomorrow may look like.  I'm not going to lie for a second and say I'm good at this, or even that I understand it fully.  I do understand and and know that it's easier said than done, and facing each and every moment can be seemingly impossible, and too painful to endure.  But as soon as the moment passes, and yes it is but a moment, we can look back on t...

It's Been a Long Month of a Day

This has been a different beginning to the new season than expected.  Instead of baseball and sunshine, we get virus and earthquakes.  The road through March was a very short road.  "Stay Home, Stay Safe."  There wasn't much adventure to experience as far as interactions with others.  It was a great adventure to self reflect and build relationships with families and neighbors.  So many people have constantly complained about being "trapped," or "house arrest," "quarantine."   A simple change in words, changes the entire experience.  "Stay Home and Stay Safe," is a great outlook, this isn't house arrest, this is an opportunity to keep ourselves and our family safe from many dangers.  More importantly and quite possibly the greatest blessing I have been able to identify, the world has been forced to SLOW DOWN.  Instead of the constant hustle and bustle, trying to get to every activity or event.  The world said, "Get a clue!...

Brand New Day

March is a beautiful month, it is the beginning of a new season, it introduces new life and beautiful changes to this dreary world.  Like everything, we are able to experience change as well, or a re-dedication to short comings we all face. I am again witness to countless miracles and blessings.  My son chose to be baptized and asked me to perform the ordinance.  Of course I said yes, I was honored.  However deep down I was terrified.  My body is far from cooperating, my ability to walk or even balance is severely compromised and my shoulder continues to cause me all sorts of grief.  My ability to perform this wonderful event was zero percent to do on my own.  Worse a week before the baptism I found myself back in the emergency room, my shoulder again decided to try and slide out of joint; which made it impossible to touch my nose, let alone raise my arm to a square.  My body is all wired together.  If I stub my toe my shoulder and arm have...

No One Left Behind

A battle buddy reached out to me this week, one who I personally know has faced the devil and his demons, he squared off toe to toe and eye to eye for over ten years.  I am proud and excited to say for the first time in as many years, is winning the battle, and has found strength and joy.  He is more than my buddy, he is my brother.  He is an example of strength and determination.  We joke all the time about where the journey has taken him/us, and recognize no matter how dark the path, we have always found the light.  A song that relates and has become a favorite for us and many veterans battling PTSD is Wrong Side of Heaven.  It brings awareness to the daily battle many veterans face every day. Mental Illness in any form is real and extremely serious.  Too often we miss signs, and simply say, "Just get over it."  When we don't know what demons our loved ones are fighting.  The torment and darkness a person battling any form of mental i...